Exemplary Apple Inc Ratio Analysis

Apples Current Ratio.
Apple inc ratio analysis. About Apple Financial Ratios Analysis Apple IncFinancial ratios are relationships based on a companys financial information. The paper contains research and ratio analysis on a company name Apple Inc. According to these financial ratios Apple Incs valuation is way above the market valuation of its sector.
Ratio and SWOT Analysis Financial Trend Comparison Ratio Category. Current ratio can be. Analysis of Short-term Operating Activity Ratios Evaluates revenues and output generated by the Apple Incs assets.
According to these financial ratios Apple Incs valuation is way above the market valuation of its peer group. Apple Financial Ratios for Analysis 2005-2021 AAPL. 21 rows PS Ratio.
Fortunately the organization would rebound from a low current ratio ending 2020 at 136. In 2015 net profit of company also higher as compare to 2016 and 2017 because high revenue incurred in that year. The EVEBITDA NTM ratio of Apple Inc.
Apples total liabilities for the same years 2015 and 2016 were 170990 and 193437. Apples current ratio for 2016 was 108. Is significantly higher than the average of its sector Computer Hardware.
As per given data in 2015 apple company has high ratio of revenue as compare to 2016 and 2017. LT Debt to Equity MRQ. NIEBT The companys interest burden is Pretax income EBIT.