Glory Audit Of Computerised Accounts

The above are only some of the advantages in the field of accounting and auditing in EDP environment.
Audit of computerised accounts. This study investigated the effect of computerized accounting systems on audit risk management in public enterprises within Kisumu CountyThe recent development in information technology has had a dramatic influence on accounting information system. A computerized accounting system is a system which the electronic data processing EDP is used in recording processing retrieving and up dating the accounting records. Table3 Objective of Risk Management YES 66 70.
The accounting systems of many companies large and small are computer-based. Theoretical Framework and Review of Related Literature Auditing functions and responsibilities are regulated by the existence of generally accepted auditing standards. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in one of its recent amendment notifications Gazette notification no.
1 st April 2021. The objective of any organization with computerized accounting system is to audit through the computer accounting system in the financial sector and timing of the audit work in a computer accounting system by the auditor. On account of the introduction of computerised accounting system the employees feel insecure that they may lose employment and show less interest in computer related work.
Iv Disruption of work. HISTORY OF INFORMATION ACCOUNTING SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY IN AUDITING The audit process for a computerized accounting Information technology auditing IT auditing began system involves five main steps. Specifically the study aim to examine the contributions of CAS to the effectiveness and efficiency of the auditing process to.
GSR 205E dated 24 th March 2021 stated that for companies maintaining their books of accounts using accounting software should use only such accounting software which has the feature of recording audit trail for each and every transaction wef. Definition of Computerized Accounting Computerized Accounting can be described as the accounting system that uses the computer system and pre-packaged customised or tailored accounting software to keep a record of financial transactions and generate financial statements for analysis. The standards are evidence that the accounting.
When computerised system is introduced the existing process of accounting and other works are interrupted. The findings presented in table 2 above revealed that among institutions with computerized accounting systems 83 reported having an approved audit policy framework or policy. DO NOT copy word for word.