Stunning Cash Flow And Fund Flow Analysis

Fund flow is usually measured on a monthly or quarterly basis.
Cash flow and fund flow analysis. Funds flow statements report changes in a businesss working capital from its operations in a single time period but have largely been superseded by cash flow statements. Cash flow statement contains opening and closing balances of cash and cash equivalents. A cash flow analysis should be preceded by a funds flow analysis.
Cash flow statements signify the changes in the cash and cash equivalents of the business due to the business operations in one time period. Cash flow analysis is a tool of short-term financial analysis while the funds flow analysis is comparatively a long-term one. The company not generating the same amount of cash as competitors will eventually lose out when time gets rough.
A student of Commerce needs to have clarity on these concepts. Fund flow on the other hand is when there is a change in the financial position of a business between the previous year and the current one. Cash is only one of the constituents of working capital besides several other constituents such as inventories accounts receivable and prepaid expenses.
It is systematic use of ratio to interpretthe financial statements so that the strength and weaknesses of a firm isdetermined. The difference between cash flow and fund flow is evident in accounting. But in cash flow statement the data obtained on accrued basis is converted into cash basis.
A companys cash flow and fund flow statements reflect two different variables during a specific period of time. The concept of Cash Flow and Fund Flow is fundamental to the discipline of accounting. Purpose of Cash Flow AnalysisFund Flow Statement Analysis.
CASH FLOW STATEMENT Cash flow statement is the actual movement of cash into and cash out of an organisationThe flow of cash into the business is called as cash inflow or positive cash flow and flow of cash out of the firm is called cash outflow or negative cash flow. Comparing a companys cash flow against its industry peers is a good way to gauge the health of its cash flow situation. It is beneficial to assess the liquidity position of a company.