Divine Pro Forma Financial Information

Pro forma financial information in accordance with Regulation S-X Article 11 is typically required and presents the accounting impact of the business combination.
Pro forma financial information. Combined pro forma presentation The following shows an example of the separate columns that could be presented in one set of pro forma financial information that disaggregates the individual transactions. Annex 2 explains how pro forma financial information. Standard financial statements are based on a companys historical performance.
This guide provides a high-level summary of the SECs pro forma financial information requirements for significant business acquisitions and is based on the SECs latest rule amendments that become effective on January 1. Annex 1 dictates when an issuer must prepare pro forma financial information. In May 2020 the SEC amended the pro forma presentation requirements of Article 11.
In financial accounting pro forma refers to a report of the companys earnings that excludes unusual or nonrecurring transactions. Basic Contents of Accountants Report for a Listing Document. The pro forma financial information reflects all of managements adjustments that are in the opinion of management necessary to a fair statement of the pro forma financial information presented and a statement to that effect is disclosed.
The guidance discussed practical application of the relevant Listing Rules and provided commentary based on market practice to help. Appendix 1 Updated as at 16 April 2020 3 This is consistent with paragraph 4141 of the Guidance Note For Issuers of Pro Forma Financial Information which states that In order to provide assurance as to the reliability of pro forma financial information the pro forma adjustments must be. The Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Information has been prepared in accordance with the basis of preparation described in the accompanying note 1 of this Unaudited Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Information.
We consider that this voluntary pro forma financial information would be subject only to the requirements of Annex 2 as discussed in ESMA QA 54. Pro forma financial information. Additional disclosure of pre-acquisition financial information for a Listing Document.
Pro forma financial information is required if acquisitions which are in the aggregate significant have occurred in the latest fiscal year or subsequent interim period or are probable. The pro forma financial information should be presented on a disaggregated basis because shareholders are asked to vote on the proposed acquisition of Acquiree A. As the Acquisition has not yet been completed pro forma adjustments are based upon.